2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案_运程_十二生肖


2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案

时间:2024-05-31 08:44:02 作者:时光小偷

一篇好的文章需要好好的打磨,你现在浏览的文章是一篇关于2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案的文章,本文对文章2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案好好的分析和解答,希望你能喜欢,只有你喜欢的内容存在,只有你来光临,我们才能继续前行。

2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案


听力自己做,卷子是AB2套 有2个答案的后面的是B套


1 B.how

2 A.in creased

3 A.completes b:completed

4 C.unless

5 D.will have worked D:will have worked for

6 C.on arriving

7 C.did I leam

8 B.working

9 A.followed

10 D.which


1 education

2 comfortable

3 needed

4 was considered

5 harmful

6 carefully

7 best

8 to keep

9 filling

10 interested


一.1 D.Teamwork skills

2 B.Are learned while working in a team

3 B.En couraging employees to co-operate

B; In....to perate

4 A.To come to an agreement

A: A came to agtrrment

5 A.Team building A: team

阅读二.1 C.Provides private car hire service

C:pravides car zhe bire

2 B.The latest computer systems

B thlatest computersys tems

3 C.Telephone

4 B.Do sightseeing at a lower prile

5 A.Wedding service


1John Brown

2human resource management

3 educational background

4 work experience 注意,work可能是wnrle

5 early afternoons



旅行文件 (O) T

急诊医疗手术 (D) E

医疗费用 (F) M

行李损坏 (B) D

租车保险自负额 (K) R

儿童救助 (A) C

第三方责任 (M) TH

行程延误 (N) TR

罢工险 (L) S

战争险 (Q) W

另一卷1()旅行文件 Travel bocuments

2()儿童...Child help

3(D)急诊医疗手术Emergenly medi

4(M)第三方...Third dury insurule

5 (F)医疗费用Medicul exp...

6(N)行程延误 Travel delay

7(B)行李损坏.. Damaytd

8(L)罢工..Strike risle

9(K)租车..保险Rentul vehide

10(Q)战争…War risle


1 It offers a 。。 personal line

2 Up to (美元符号)100,000 cash or twice

your monthly in come

3 You can enjoya 。。? a low interest rate

4 It's flexible repayments

5 Through Online Banking

或者是5 How can …?

Throngh on line banking


1 All of the

不可选 A 你申请

2 If you Can't

不可选 B 如果。。。获得贷款

3 These products

不可选 C 你们。。。来退货

4 A company's

不可选 D 董事会。。。措施

1.All of the…our commercial partner.


2.I you…

不选B 如果你无法预付租金,你的…两种贷款

3.These …cus tomers.

不选C 你们生产的…都是不合格的…顾客要求退换。

4 不选D 董事会决..他有权对重大问题采取措施



2010年12月全国高校英语应用能力考试试题和答案(A级) 要能过的答案啊...




8 .absorb 9 . fear of failure 10. uncertnty


11-15 ABBCD 16-20 CDBBC 21-25 CABCD 26-30 CCCDA

31-35 BCACD

36 international 37 revolution 38 emphasized 39 poor-paying 40 effectively

41 freelancewriter 42 conditioned 43 reasonably

44 The earthquake left thousands of people in urgent need of medicar care.

45 There is no denying the fact that he has directed the most popular film in ten years.

46 A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window can star a fire.


47-50 FIME 51-56 JHAKDB 57-61 CDABC 62-66 DCCBD


67-71 BBACC 72-76 DACBC 77-81 DBCCC 82-86 AABCD


87 to see her own shortcomings

88 Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully

89 that they can scarcely be distinguished form

90 rather than guess or imagination

91 was accused of cheating customers

2010年12月19日大学英语三级考试 B卷答案(绝密):



8 .absorb 9 . fear of failure 10. uncertainty


11-15 ABBCD 16-20CDBBC 21-25 CABCD 26-30 CCCDA

31-35 BCACD

36 international 37 revolution 38 emphasized 39 poor-paying 40 effectively

41 freelancewriter 42 conditioned 43 reasonably

44 The earthquake left thousands of people in urgent need of medicar care.

45 There is no denying the fact that he has directed the most popular film in ten years.

46 A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window can star a fire.


47—50:FHED 51—56:FLKEMA 57—61:ABDCD



67—71:DBACA 72—76:ACCCA 77—81:CBBDD



87 Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully

88 rather than guess or imagination

89 was accused of cheating customers

90 that they can scarcely be distinguished form

91 to see her own shortcomings



Part I. Listening Comprehension

1-5: BDACA 6-10: ADBCD

11. to save money

12. lowest

13. save time

14. a few minutes

15. popular

Part II. Structure

16-20: CBDAC 21-25: DCDBA

26. pleased

27. helpful

28. to work

29. be looked into

30. having

31. easily

32. published

33. have arrived

34. encouraged

35. contribution

Part III. Reading Comprehension

36-40: CDABB 41-45: DBACD

(A卷:36-40:DBACD 41-45: CDABB )

46. individuals

47. rental furniture

48. real property

49. business partners

50. trucks

51. BQ 52. JH 53. IG 54. KC 55. LM

56. personal care assistance

57. qaulity of life

58. 20 years

59. realibility

60. high quality care

IV. Translation

61-64: BCBC (A卷:BCCB)

65. 有时,工作方面最大的问题在于自身的压力,要减少工作压力,可以提前到工作单位,给自己点时间减压,然后再开会接电话。从事压力较大的工作时,最好提前作准备,如果以上方法没有作用,就找个安静的地方思考、读书、冷静一下。另一种方法就是,设定一些容易达到的目标,认真评估自己的能力,并做好充分的准备。

V. Writing

Jenny Wang写给手机专卖店的投诉信,时间:2012年6月17日






Letter of Complaint


以上内容是小编精心整理的关于2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案的精彩内容,好的文章需要你的分享,喜欢2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案这篇精彩文章的,请您经常光顾吧!

上一篇:6个月宝宝眼睛红血丝要紧吗 6个月宝宝眼睛红血丝眼屎多怎么办


本文标题:2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案



2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案
2011年6月a级真题答案 2011年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试a级听力答案

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