儿童节就应该这样过的英文 儿童节应该怎样过_运程_十二生肖


儿童节就应该这样过的英文 儿童节应该怎样过

时间:2024-06-29 01:10:07 作者:抖音童声可爱歌曲

一篇好的文章需要好好的打磨,你现在浏览的文章是一篇关于儿童节就应该这样过的英文 儿童节应该怎样过的文章,本文对文章儿童节就应该这样过的英文 儿童节应该怎样过好好的分析和解答,希望你能喜欢,只有你喜欢的内容存在,只有你来光临,我们才能继续前行。

儿童节就应该这样过的英文 儿童节应该怎样过

你是如何过儿童节的?英语短文,小学五年级,快,也要中文翻译。_百度知 ...

On Children's Day, I get up very early, 在儿童节这天我很早就起床了。

I put on my new clothes. 我穿上我的新衣服。

At 8 o'clock, I go to school. 在8 点钟时,我去上学。

I have a party for our children at school. 我参加在我校为我们儿童们举办的派对。

I sing 5 songs. 我唱了5 支歌。

I dance with my friends. 我和朋友一起跳舞。

I‘m very happy. 我非常快乐。


急需 世界各国人民是怎么过儿童节的 呐 要英文滴介绍

People's Republic of China is scheduled on June 1 each year for the International Children's Day. December 23, 1949 the Central People's Government Administration Council "on June 1," International Children's Day festival for the Chinese children, and announced the abolition of the KMT government since 1931 to implement the April 4 for the Children's Day. China is the first Children's Day in 21 years (1932), on April 4. In 20 years (1931), "Salesian Society of China in Shanghai" was launched proposals for the Government each year on April 4 for the Children's Day. Subsequently, the Ministry of Education to develop a way to commemorate Children's Day and the following year in the implementation of the April 4.

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in the civil convention, to retain the date for the Children's Day on April 4. Celebration of the civil manner in order to send more toys to the children gifts, or go out to eat a big meal or accompany their children to play. Taiwan, is also still on April 4 for the annual Children's Day.


(1)男孩节。Children's Day in Japan, known as "children" (Japanese: No mo ko N), is a traditional festival. In the annual May 5, Japan's family will celebrate the child's growing up. Before World War II, the holiday known as the "Dragon Boat Festival" (Japanese: the Dragon Boat Festival Day No sentence), and only boys holiday. In 1948, when the festival has become the public holiday, it has become a celebration of happiness and well-being of all children in holiday. In the festival on the same day, Japan's family will be hoisted on the roof of the fish-shaped sign, a symbol used to eliminate the bad luck of the child, overcome difficulties, the smooth growth.

(3)“七五三”儿童节。November 15 is Japan's "753" Children's Day. Customs in Japan, the three-year-old, five-year-old and seven-year-old children is a particularly fortunate of the three age, so every year on this day will be devoted to the three older kids busy and celebrate. On this day, the children will be put on the best of traditional kimono, but also the back of a painting of pine trees, cranes or turtles, such as patterns of small paper bags, paper bags full of parents to buy candy and toys. Dressed, parents will bring their children on the shrine in Japan, thanks to the gods and pray for the children to bring health and happiness.


South Korea's Children's Day began in 1975, from the "boys section" the product of evolution. This is also a public holiday in South Korea, set in the annual May 5. Parents usually take their children to the park that day, zoo or other recreational facilities for children happily spend holidays.


In India, Children's Day is the day of the founding prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru's birthday, which is the annual Nov. 14. On this special day, Indian children will have a strong flavor of a variety of ethnic dance, music performances, the Government will come forward to organize the celebration.


April 23, is Turkey's "national sovereignty and Children's Day." The festival came from Turkey during the War of Independence in 1920 the National Assembly of Turkey held a date. In 1929, according to the child protection body to this day was designated as Children's Day. Since 1986, the Turkish government began on April 23 to celebrate the International Children's Day.


Children's Day in Thailand in January of the second Sat.On this day, Thailand, with the majority of parents have their children go out to play or participate in the assembly, had a happy Children's Day.


July 23 is Indonesia's Children's Day, a good family, children's playground, shopping mall; poor children still at home to help earn money. Indonesia currently has 11,700,000 out-of-school-age children.


During the Cold War, East and West Germany at the Children's Day on a very different approach. First of all, different date: East Germany (GDR) set on June 1, West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) set on September 20; their names are different: East Germany referred to as the "International Children's Day" ( "internationaler Kindertag "), West Germany, known as the" World Children's Day "(" Weltkindertag "). In addition, the festival is also different from the traditional.

In East Germany, Children's Day began in 1950, a year after the day of the year, the children were the happiest days. Parents often receive the blessing and a gift in the school will hold a special celebrations, such as picnic and so on. In the Federal Republic of Germany, Children's Day does not have any special meaning, many people do not even know the existence of the festival.


European countries, Sweden is also relatively small share of the Children's Day every year on August 7 as "the boy's Day", also known as the "Lobster Festival", which means the country is to encourage the little boy learning the brave spirit of the lobster. On this day, disguised as children's play like lobster, performing some very lovely and lively program.

Dec. 13 is Sweden's "Girls Day", also known as the "Goddess Lucia Festival." Lucia is a legend in Sweden devoted to the protection of the goddess of girls, each to the festival, all the girls dressed as the goddess look for the other children do.


Russia's International Children's Day and completely "out of step" on June 1. Every Children's Day comes, the children all over Russia will happily celebrate their own festival, but also a number of ethnic song and dance performances, the school will be held in celebration.

In fact, talking about the history of Children's Day, there are important linkages with Russia. In November 1949, the Women's International Democratic Federation in Moscow director of the Conference, delegates angrily to expose the imperialist reactionaries and killed, children poisoned by the crime. In order to protect the countries in the world of children's right to survival, health and education, improve the lives of children, the meeting decided that the annual June 1 International Children's Day for.


In the Oct. 31 that day, the United States to participate in their children's schools, families and community organizations for their evening programs and recreational activities, will last night.


Central American countries Colombia every year on July 4 as Children's Day. On this day, schools across the country have held various activities to celebrate the lively, children are often put on a variety of masks, disguised as a clown like playing in the street, very happy.


Children's Day in Brazil on August 15, the day is also Brazil's "National Immunization Day." Therefore, this every day, all around the Doctors for the children's medical treatment, but also to children under the age of five injections of the vaccine to prevent polio, show that government is concerned about the health of children. In addition, Brazil's "Our Lady of Aparecida Day" on October 12 is also often make Children's Day, there will be a number of national celebration.


Most of the countries of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan will be the first 14 days as a "candy section," the children, this is the happiest Children's Day. "Candy Day" for a three-day general, children in small groups to the vicinity of the door-to-door candy request. In accordance with local customs, people can not refuse the demands of children, the children on this day always fruitful, and happy.


West Africa's Mali and other countries to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan as a "children's carnival," continued on the activities of a child is the most joyful moment. Africans always sing and dance, carnival, they enjoy singing and dancing, or do a variety of games. In the dance, African children like to wear a mask all kinds of animals, much joy and great excitement. Whether they know it or not, have a friendly attitude, as if one.


你好,希望我的回答对楼主有用!为了让阁下更清楚这篇文章的脉络,鄙人现在把文章分为四部分:标题;What would you like to do in your last Children's Day? 1 The Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate from the primary school.

Even though it doesn't come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable.

I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school. 2 When the Children's Day comes, I will go to the Chongqing Museum to visit the spaceship Yang Liwei took in the space . In order to go to my destination, I am going to take the number 464 bus there at 8:30 a.m.out side the school gate .

3After visiting the Chongqing Museum ,My father is about to take me to the zoo, where are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears. 4 What a unforgettable Day for my last Children's Day ! 这四部分组合起来就是一篇完整的文章了~

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