2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案_运程_十二生肖


2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案

时间:2024-06-12 22:52:33 作者:电钻声音效下载

一篇好的文章需要好好的打磨,你现在浏览的文章是一篇关于2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案的文章,本文对文章2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案好好的分析和解答,希望你能喜欢,只有你喜欢的内容存在,只有你来光临,我们才能继续前行。

2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案




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compound dictation

don’t take may english courses, they won’t help you get a decent job. sign up for management classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate.

sound 26 ? many of us have heard suggestions like these 27 by parents or others close to us. such comments often seem quite reasonable.

why then should suggestions like these be taken with 28 ? the reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. you are the one who must 29 their consequences.

one of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. decisions you make after you’ve considered various 30 and chosen the path that suits you best.

making your own decisions does not mean that you should 31 the suggestions of others. for instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful and having 32 in a great deal of your personal history. they may have a clear view of your strength and weaknesses. still, their views are not necessarily accurate. they may still see you as a child, 33 care and protection. or they may see only your strength or in some unfortunate cases, they may 34 your flaws and shortcomings. people will always be giving your advice, ultimately, though you have to make your own 35 .

26. familiar

27. put forward

28. caution

29. live with

30. alternatives

31. ignore

32. participated

33. in need of

34. focus on

35. judgments

点评:本文主要表达当你在做决定时,应该如何有选择性的听取他人的意见。整体文章在理解上难度并不大。但在填入单词或词组的过程中需要同学们在拼写,时态与词组的连读上注意。比如alternatives,in need of等。十个空中,四个词组,三个名词,两个动词,一个形容词。词组难度不大,拼写也比较方便。关键还是在于同学们平日的词汇量的积累。






A. In the classroom.

B. At he post office.

C. In the bank.

D. In a park.


A. The woman is excited to have lunch with the man.

B. The woman has appointment with someone else.

C. The woman thinks the man did wrong in the morning.

D. The woman is afraid that the man has lunch alone.



W: I want to send this package by first class mail. I'dalso like some stamps.

M: Do you want the mail insured?

Q: Where are the two speakers?


解析:女士说:“我想以第一类邮件的方式寄这个包裹,另外我还想买几张邮票。”男士回答:“你的邮寄物品需要买保险吗?”可见对话发生在邮局,即B。介词“in/at+地点名词”构成标准的询问对话发生场所的场景题选项。解答这类题时,要留意对话双方的话,由关键词确定答案。本对话中,第一个说话人说的send this package byfirst class mail, stamps以及第二个说话人说的mail, insure,都是邮寄东西时常用的词汇。


M: I thought that maybe we could go there for lunch today. That is, if you haven't promised togo with someone else.

W: That'd be wonderful, Joe. But I hope you're in a better mood than you were this morning.

Q: What does the woman mean?


解析:男士提议说,女士如果没有约会的话,中午一起吃饭;女士表示赞同,说:“太好了。不过我希望你的心情已经比上午好了一些。”言下之意说,男士上午情绪不好,故C正确。“中but”题。女士的话That'd bewonderful... 是随口赞同说的客气话,并不表示女士很兴奋excited,据此排除A。but后面的内容才是重点,它表明男士上午情绪不佳,故选C,同时排除其他。



Section C

pound Dictation

Corporations as a group offer a variety of jobs. Most large panies send people to colleges to 36 ______ graduating students with the 37 ______ academic training. A large university may have more than 500 panies a year knocking on its doors. Big firms are your best 38 ______ for a job because their normal growth, employee 39 ______ , and turnover create thousands of job 40 ______ nationwide each year.

Corporations, however, 41 ______ the rule that the biggest isn't always the best. Many *** all firms with a few hundred employees have positions that may 42 ______ with your professional goals, too. Such firms may not have the time, money, or need to send people around to your college; you will probably have to 43 ______ them yourself either directly or through an employment agency. Don't ignore these little panies. 44 _____________________________________________________________ . You could bee a big fish in a pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would 45 _____________________________________________________ .

For example, a *** all pany may need a bright engineering, accounting or management graduate who report directly to the senior vice-president of engineering, the pany controller, or the general manager. 46 ___________________________________________________________________ . In addition, responsibilities may e faster in a *** all firm with less specialization and fewer lower-level employees to receive delegated authority.


36. interview


37. required


38. place


39. retirements


40. openings

解析:由前面修饰的片语thousands of可知此处需复数名词,opening表示“空缺”之义,不要漏写结尾的s。

41. illustrate


42. correspond

解析:情态动词may后面,应是原形动词,该词与with搭配。correspond with在此处意为“与……一致。”拼写时注意中间有两个r。

43. contact

解析:片语have to后面接原形动词;根据上下文,该词很可能表示联络之义。


45. 标准答案:if you had climbed the more petitive ladder of a corporate giant

听音关键:had climbed, more petitive ladder, corporate giant

答案重构:if you had climbed the more petitive ladder of a big pany

画龙点睛:此句采用了虚拟语气,故从句要用过去完成时。结尾的a corporate giant,可用意思类似的a big pany替换,单词简单,也避免拼错。

46. 标准答案:In large firms it may take years to reach that level and accumulate similar experience

听音关键:large firms, take years, reach that level, accumulate, similar experience

答案重构:In big panies, if you want to be in that position and get similar experience, you may spend years of time




Now you'll hear the two long conversations.

Conversation One


A. A hair wash.

B. A nail trim.

C. A massage.

D. A shave.


A. He didn't have a clear idea of the plete service.

B. He wanted the best service.

D. He just wanted his hair cut the way he likes.

D. He wanted his hair to be trimmed quickly.


A. Your hands look good.

B. Your hair is in good condition.

C. You have a good beautician to serve you.

D. You can relax.


A. He is going to a business convention in town.

B. He is going to meet his clients.

C. He is going to deal with workplace accidents.

D. He is going to be interviewed for new employment.


Now you'll hear the two long conversations.

Conversation One

W: Hi. How can we help you today?

M: Yeah. I'd like to get my hair trimmed a little. Nothing fancy. Just a basic trim.

W: Well, can we interest you in today's special?

M: Um... No...

W: [19]We'll shampoo, cut, and style your hair for one unbelievable low price of $9.99. Plus, we'll give you a clean shave and a back massage to help you relax. Best service in town!

M: Okay, [20]I'll have the plete service today, but as I said before, I just want to get my hair trimmed. A little off the top and sides. That's all. I mean, that's all.

W: No problem. Relax. [21]You're in good hands. Okay, here we go. So, what do you do for a living?

M: I'm a lawyer, specializing in workplace accidents, and [22]I'm in town for an interview for a new job, and... Hey, what happened to my hair? And what's left of my hair turned purple. Are you even a licensed beautician?

W: Well, sir. We offer a money-back guarantee on all our work, so if you're not pletely satisfied...

M: Satisfied? I'm anything but satisfied. [22]How in the world am I supposed to go to a job interview looking like this? Forget it. Forget it.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is one service NOT included in the special price at the beauty salon?


解析:女士说,当日的特别优惠是以9.99美元的价格享受洗、剪、吹,外加剃须、背部 *** 。A、C、D均有提及;只有B修指甲不在服务范围内,故应选B。通读选项,知道这篇对话与理发有关。本题选项涉及相关服务专案,解答时要注意对话中提到哪些专案,以做相应标记。此外,修指甲不属于一般男士理发业务范围,根据“主题原则”,与主题无关的即为答案,直接选B。

20. Why does the man repeatedly say "That's all"?


解析:男士的原话是:“今天就来整套服务吧。不过,……我只想把头发修一下。上面和两边都稍微修剪一点点就可以了……”这里的“That's all”表明男士不想要别的花样,只需要自己想要的服务,故C正确。根据男士说的“Okay, I'll have the plete service today”,可排除A甚至D全套服务所需的长时间与quickly矛盾;B无依据。

21. What does the beautician mean by "You're in good hands"?


解析:女士说:“没问题,放松点,给你服务的是个好手。”所谓“好手”即是水平高的美容美发师,故C正确。本题问“You're in good hands”是什么意思 。像这种“短语含义题”,绝不能选其单词本义,由此可排除A;若头发状态良好,就不用来理发了,故B也可排除;D是利用原词relax设定的干扰项。

22. Why does the customer go to this beauty salon to improve his appearance?


解析:男士先说,他到城里来面试一份新工作。随后又抱怨,“我这个样子怎么去面试?”可见男士来美容院理发是为了参加面试,故D正确。四个选项均以“He is going to”开头,差别在to后面的内容上。A、B未提到,可排除;男士说他是一个处理工伤事故的律师,C中的一般将来时态与对话内容不一致。


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本文标题:2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案



2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案
2000年6月英语四级真题及答案 2000年6月英语四级听力答案

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